Source of Primary Data and Secondary Data:
Primary Data is the first hand information which is original in character and are generated in character and are generated in large number surveys. conducted mostly by government and also by some individuals, institutions and research bodies. Data which are not originally collected but rather obtained from published (News paper, Magazines, Reports and official publications, books etc.) or unpublished sources are known as Secondary data.
Methods of collecting Primary Data:
(1) Direct personal Interview: Under this method of collecting data, there is a face to face contact with the person from whom the information is to be obtained.
(2) Indirect Oral Interview: Under this method of collecting data, the investigator contacts third parties called witnesses.
(3) Information from Correspondent: Under this method, the investigator appoints local agents or correspondents in different places to collect information.
(4) Mailed questionnaire method: Under this method, a list of questions pertaining to the survey (Known as questionnaire) is prepared and sent to the various information by post. The example is as below: