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C.A.S.A. Conducts a workshop at Innocent Hearts School

A workshop on “New Era of CBSE Education System” By CASA was organized on December 08, 2018 at Innocent Hearts School, Green Model Town, Jalandhar. Primary Teachers from various schools from Punjab participated and basked in the glory of the knowledge from the learned resource person Dr. J.K. Gulati (HOD, University Business School, GNDU, Ladowali Road). Mr. Surinder Saini, a social worker was the Guest of Honour. All the teachers of the primary section attended with great zeal and enthusiasm. The resource person focused on the importance of the education system. The need of the hour is to make the thinking of the students ‘out of the box’, constructive and innovative. CBSE wants to lighten the back breaking bags of the students. The weight of the school bag may lead to deformities so we should lighten the weight of the bag both physically and mentally and encourage their overall development. The children should have critical thinking, problem solving ability, and be able to lead from the front. Mr. Anil Chopra-Chairman CASA, Mr. Jodh Raj Gupta - Sr. Vice President CASA, Dr. Narottam Singh Chairman – State Public School, Mr. Surinder Saini-Social Worker, Dr. Anup Bowry-Secretary Innocent Hearts and CASA were present. The stage was conducted by Mrs. Ambika Pasrija and the vote of thanks was tabled by Mrs. Sharmila Nakra-Vice Principal Innocent Hearts School.

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