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The student-teachers of  Innocent Hearts college of Education have brought laurels home by achieving second highest position in the Jalandhar district in GNDU B.Ed. Examination Sem - I (Dec 2018). Eighty-three percent student- teachers have achieved First division and twenty-one percent student-teachers have achieved distinctions. Nishitha Chopra stood first in the college, Samanpreet Kaur achieved second position and Achalpreet Kaur got third position in the college.  
The achievers thanked the Principal and faculty members for providing qualitative digitalized education and for acting as facilitators in the teaching- learning process. Nishitha Chopra attributed her success to her parents and teachers, she said “Most people think that excellent results are because of the student’s hard work only, but really a huge part of these results is what teachers, friends and family have done to help and assist.”
The members of the Management, Principal and staff members congratulated the student-teachers for their brilliant result.Principal Dr. Arjinder Singh attributed this success to the team work of faculty members, students and cooperation extended by the Management.

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