Boddington define statistics as "the science of estimates and probabilities"
Croxton and cowden have given simple and concise definition of statistics. In their views "Statistics may be defined as the collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of numerical data"
According to the above definition, the five stages in statistics are discussed as below:
(1) Collection of Data: The collection of data is the first step in the a statistical investigation. The data can be collected from any source it may be available from the existing published source or unpublished source or it can be collected by the investigator himself. The first hand collection of data is the most difficult task.
(2) Organisation of Data: The collected data can organized in the tabular form. The purpose of tabulation is to arrange the data in columns and rows so that there is absolute clarity in the data presented. Example as below:
(3) Presentation of Data: After the data have been collected and organised they are ready for the presentation such as in the form of Diagram and Graphs. Example as below:
(4) Analysis of data: After the collection of data, organising the data and presentation of the data the next step is the analysis the data. The purpose of analysis of data is to find out the important information for decision making.
(5) Interpretation of Data: The interpretation of data is difficult task and required high level of skills and experience. If data is not analysed and interpreted properly the whole objective of investigation may be defeated and fallacious conclusion can be drawn.