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Faculty Development Program at Loharan Campus

In order to fill the gap between industry and academic institutions by facilitating the students in a particular sector with demand mismatch, Innocent Hearts Group of Institutions organized a Faculty Development Program on Time & Life Management at its Loharan Campus.

Mrs. Kamna Raj Aggarwala Chairperson of Engineering Export promotion Council India, Northern region The objective of the event was to update knowledge & skills of the faculty members. Mrs. Kamna Raj Aggarwala started the session by sharing her own experiences of early phases, in the session she motivated the faculty to become a good person, and she guided the faculty to work with full dedication. she further added that never admit defeat. She put emphasis on the hard working culture and dedication towards the profession. She further said hard work is always worship and strength as well. In her lecture she has given different mantras to become the successful person such as methods of time management, concentration, self discipline, proper planning, and focus on your goal, find your values as an individual and put stress on reading books. With this she further guided the faculty members that time is the most compromised commodity.  She also guided faculty members to adopt healthier life-style and do regular exercise. Dr Shailesh Tripathi Group Director of Innocent Hearts Group of Institutions thanked Mrs. Kamna Raj Aggarwala and said it was a truly inspiring and learning session & Mr Deepak Paul, Principal of Hotel management expressed thanked Mrs. Kamna Raj Aggarwala for sharing the knowledge and encourages the faculty members to make use of the information provided by her.

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